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- 5 New Years resolutions that will be easy to keep
We all start a new year with the best of intentions, but building new habits is hard. If you want to take better control of your personal finances in 2022, here are a few things you can do that won’t require a lot of time—or a lot of willpower. 5 New Years resolutions that will be easy to keep We all start a new year with the best of intentions, but building new habits is hard. If you want to take better control of your personal finances in 2022, here are a few things you can do that won’t require a lot of time—or a lot of willpower. We all start a new year with the best of intentions, but building new habits is hard. If you want to take better control of your personal finances in 2022, here are a few things you can do that won’t require a lot of time—or a lot of willpower. Resolution #1: How to save more money One reason New Year’s resolutions fail is because they are too easy to break. You can turn regular savings into a habit by automating the process. Set up an automatic transfer each pay day that transfers a small amount of cash into your savings account. It’s okay to start small—you don’t want to be tempted to cancel your transfer because you suddenly need that money for something else next month. You can always increase the amount in the future. Time required: 2 minutes to log in to online banking and set up a new automatic transfer Resolution #2: How to reduce your debt One of the fastest ways you can reduce your monthly debt expenses is by reducing your borrowing costs. With interest rates still near record lows, it’s a great time to explore refinancing your mortgage, your auto loan, or consolidating your debt into a single monthly payment. Right now, for instance, credit card rates average about 16% APR (annual percentage rate). If you have good (or better) credit, you can probably find a personal loan that charges considerably less. Time required: 60 minutes (and often far less) to fill out an application, talk with a banker, and sign documentation Resolution #3: How to reduce your spending Are you spending money right now on things you don’t even use? Take a look at your subscriptions—streaming services, magazines and newspapers, websites—and think hard about the value they provide. Do you watch enough baseball to justify a $129 subscription to MLB? Are Spotify’s ads really that annoying? Time required: 5 minutes or less to cancel an account, depending on whether it's one of those companies that makes you call instead of letting you cancel online (definitely stop giving those guys your money) Resolution #4: How to earn more money (easy mode) First, an easy thing you should check right now: Are you earning your full employer match on your retirement savings? Many employees, including Vibrant, will match your contribution dollar-for-dollar up to a certain percentage. If you’re not contributing at least that percentage of your salary to your retirement plan, you’re essentially telling your employer to keep an extra 1, 2, or even 5 percent of your annual salary for themselves. Time required: 15 minutes or less to ask your HR department what you need to do to increase your contribution Resolution #5: How to earn more money (advanced) Second, there’s never been a better time to think about changing jobs—or renegotiating your current salary. The latest economic data shows there are more than 10 million open jobs right now, while the number of Americans collecting unemployment is lower than 2 million. Lots of people are finding better jobs right now—which could mean that your current employer might be more willing to increase salaries to keep experienced workers from moving on. It’s probably a good time to mention that Vibrant is hiring—and we offer a 401(k) match up to 6 percent of your salary. Check out our current openings . Time required: As little as a couple of weeks to six months or longer, depending on your field and your location Next Item Previous Item
- Making Money | Alyssa Streets
Turning a hobby into a part-time job Making Money | Alyssa Streets Turning a hobby into a part-time job Welcome to Making Money , a series of conversations with entrepreneurs at all stages of their careers about what they’ve learned about starting and running their own businesses. We start with Alyssa Streets, 25—currently a social media specialist at Vibrant but also a longtime barista and inveterate thrift shopper—whose passion for thrift shops has become a steady source of income. When did you get interested in vintage clothing? I grew up without a lot of money, so I’ve gone thrifting as long as I can remember. That’s just where we bought our stuff. I was very embarrassed about it in high school, but then I discovered this YouTuber—all she did was thrift, her entire closet was all vintage clothing. I was really inspired by her look and started discovering my own personal tastes and wearing really weird out-of-pocket things. How did you start selling clothes? I majored in fashion in college, and I definitely have an eye for cool clothes. I started reselling some of my own stuff through Poshmark in college mostly to keep my closet from getting out of control. Sometimes I might find designer brands while I was thrifting, and I’d resell those, too. I still sell a lot of stuff on Poshmark, but I also have a lot of Instagram followers, so I sometimes sell stuff via Stories. I also do markets a few times a year. No judgment, but what is your personal closet situation? I have two full-sized closets plus a clothing rack in my apartment. So yeah. I have a lot of clothes. How often do you go thrifting? I probably go once or twice a week. I love to go through the Goodwill bins where they sell unsorted stuff by the pound, and you just have to scrounge through everything. I’ve found a lot of cool things that way, like vintage Harley-Davidson shirts. On the one hand, it’s an incredible bargain, but on the other hand, it takes a lot of time to dig through everything, you get itchy because there’s a lot of dust coming up and everyone around you is sneezing, and honestly, it’s kind of gross. Another place I find a lot of my stuff is at estate sales. Especially when I was working in the service industry and had Friday mornings off, I would show up Friday morning at 8 a.m. and get a number and wait in line to raid the closets. Those sales are very cheap—like $2 for any item—because people need to move things out, but the quality is often really good, because someone was still wearing it. Could you ever see yourself doing this full-time? I've been really inspired by Becca and Red at Abernathy's and would love to have a business like theirs one day. I worked there for about a year and learned so much. (And they still lend me their tag gun for markets!) But I saw just how much work they have to put into it to make it successful. It’s hard for them to take time off. And I’m not really at a point in my life where I’m ready to sacrifice like that. I’ve made an effort in the past to establish my own brand, like they have, with a shop website and a dedicated Instagram, but at the time, I was also working full-time and going to school full-time, and it was really hard to keep up. I think it would be really cool to open up a coffee shop/vintage resale store one day, but for now it’s more for fun. I have a good eye for thrifting and flipping and I love selling at markets and talking to people. And it’s a great way to make some extra cash when I need it. How much extra cash are we talking about? Definitely not enough to support myself, but enough to pay a few bills—and when I’m short on cash, I know I can go into my closet and grab a few things and make what I need. I think I’ve probably earned about $3,000 on Poshmark since I started selling stuff there, but I have literally never cashed out my account. I just use it to buy other stuff on Poshmark. Like if I need a nice pair of boots or want a new perfume—they have a lot of stuff that you can’t find at Goodwill. But it still lets me shop for it secondhand. Do you think you’d continue to thrift even if you landed a high-paying corporate gig one day? I think so, because I do like the thrill of finding cool things. When I’m at the Goodwill bins and I find an awesome shirt, it makes me happy to bring it to someone in my community who’s going to love it. Shop Alyssa’s Poshmark store or follow her on Instagram to see pop-up specials and find out about her upcoming market schedule. When it’s time to move your money from Poshmark or Venmo and start putting it to work elsewhere, talk to us about our business checking and business savings accounts, with no monthly fees, transaction limits, or minimum balance requirements. Next Item Previous Item
- 4 tips for better money management
Have high prices got you looking for ways to stretch your dollars? We’re sharing our money management best practices to help you stretch your dollars, create an inflation-proof budget, and increase your savings. Discover how you can manage your money wisely in any economy. 4 tips for better money management Have high prices got you looking for ways to stretch your dollars? We’re sharing our money management best practices to help you stretch your dollars, create an inflation-proof budget, and increase your savings. Discover how you can manage your money wisely in any economy. Want to be more financially savvy? These tips will help you skillfully manage your money Have high prices got you looking for ways to stretch your dollars? We’re sharing our money management best practices to help you stretch your dollars, create an inflation-proof budget, and increase your savings. Discover how you can manage your money wisely in any economy. Create an inflation-proof budget Rising prices can make it feel impossible to create a budget that allows you to enjoy life and still build your savings. But it is possible. Here's how to get started. Review your expenses. The first step to creating a budget is to review your bills and expenses. This is a great way to track where your money goes each month. Are you spending too much on dining out? Could you get a better deal if you switch cell phone providers? Are you paying for music and video streaming services that you don’t use anymore? Reviewing expenses gives you a better understanding of how your money is being spent and how you can modify your choices to live a more financially successful life. Increase your income. Take a look at your current salary and compare it to other people in similar roles (Glassdoor's salary index is a great place to start). Is it in line with industry averages for your role? If not, consider negotiating a higher salary with your current employer. Another option is to move to a different company. Protocol reports professionals who job-hopped in the past few years “received a 30% increase in salary.”If increasing your salary isn’t possible now, there are other ways to grow your checking account balance. Many individuals are starting side-hustles to supplement their income. If you have many years of experience in an industry, you can offer consulting or training services. If you have musical talent, you can perform at gigs or give music lessons. And, if you’re on social media all the time, consider that social media management and blogging are considered some of the most profitable side jobs. Expand your professional skills. Learning new skills can open up new job opportunities—and access to industries where you may not have experience. Start saving In addition to modifying your budget and increasing your income, saving money is a vital part of money management. Set aside a fixed amount to deposit into your savings account each month. It doesn’t have to be a large amount—you can start with 5 percent and increase that amount as your earnings increase. What’s important is to make savings a habit. Consider setting up an automatic transfer to savings every time you get paid. Invest for the future Investing can sound scary, but it doesn’t have to be. Investing is simply making your money work for you instead of having it sit in your bank account. Even if you’re not ready to invest in the stock market, putting your money in a high-yield savings account or a certificate of deposit can produce profitable results. If you’re not sure how or where to start investing your money, talk to a financial adviser for help evaluating your various investment choices. Review your retirement options Planning ahead for your golden years ensures your retirement will be enjoyable and relatively stress-free. If your employer offers a retirement plan like a 401(k), it’s a great idea to start investing in it as soon as you can, especially if they offer a matching contribution. If you don’t have access to an employer plan, or if you want to save more than your employer’s plan allows, you have two options for opening an individual retirement account (IRA). Traditional Individual Retirement Account (IRA) A traditional individual retirement account is funded with pre-tax money. This means you have the benefit of getting a tax deduction on your contribution. Be aware: This means you may owe taxes on the money when you withdraw it. You will also not be able to withdraw funds until you reach the age of 59½. Expect your retirement savings needs to change over time, especially if you change employers. Investopedia notes, “Rolling your money over into an IRA will often reduce the management and administrative fees you've been paying.” Your financial advisor can counsel you on the best course of action to take for your retirement funds. Sign up for Vibrant Credit Union’s personal banking services Transforming into a financially savvy superstar is easy when you take advantage of Vibrant’s personal banking services. Our friendly and knowledgeable team makes banking services easy to understand so you can achieve your financial goals. Contact us to discuss all that we can help you achieve. FAQs Q: What do I need to open a Vibrant checking or savings account? A: To open an account, you’ll need to provide the following: Full name Address Social Security Number Valid, government-issued photo ID: driver’s license, passport or military ID. Minimum deposit of $5 to activate your account. Every Vibrant member must open a membership savings account with a minimum $5 deposit before they can take advantage of other products and services. Q: How much money should I keep in my checking account? A: We recommend keeping 1–2 months of living expenses in your checking account. Q: How do I open an IRA? A: Schedule an appointment with a Vibrant personal banker to review your goals. They'll set up your account and help you choose a portfolio that's the right fit. Next Item Previous Item
- Tips for choosing a savings account
Did you know that it only takes a deposit of $5 to start a savings account at Vibrant? Go ahead and pluck that five dollar bill out of your wallet, where it’s more likely to end up spent than saved. By putting it in a savings account for safe keeping, you’re planting a seed. How quickly that seed sprouts and grows into a beautiful flower depends on where you’ve planted it. Tips for choosing a savings account Did you know that it only takes a deposit of $5 to start a savings account at Vibrant? Go ahead and pluck that five dollar bill out of your wallet, where it’s more likely to end up spent than saved. By putting it in a savings account for safe keeping, you’re planting a seed. How quickly that seed sprouts and grows into a beautiful flower depends on where you’ve planted it. Did you know that it only takes a deposit of $5 to start a savings account at Vibrant? Go ahead and pluck that five dollar bill out of your wallet, where it’s more likely to end up spent than saved. By putting it in a savings account for safe keeping, you’re planting a seed. How quickly that seed sprouts and grows into a beautiful flower depends on where you’ve planted it. To help you find the best place to grow your savings, here are four tips for choosing a savings account that is going to turn your five dollar bill into so much more. Aim high for your interest rate Opening a savings account is about growing your money, and how quickly that money grows will depend on the interest rate . The higher the interest rate, the more you’ll earn from your deposit. Most lenders will offer a basic savings account with interest rates as low as .01%, but keep an eye out for high-interest savings accounts that could help you earn more at a faster rate. Pay attention to minimum balance requirements Behind every savings account are a set of terms and conditions. You might be tempted to skim them, but do yourself a favor and give them a read. Different lenders will have different minimum deposit requirements, ranging from $1 to $10,000. You might also be expected to maintain a minimum balance to earn interest. There could even be fees for dropping below the minimum required balance. Always take the time to read the terms and conditions. Shop local for the best rates No two savings accounts are the same. Different financial institutions are going to offer different types of savings accounts with different interest rates, fees, and minimum balances. It’s up to you to look around and find the best savings account for you, and the best place to start is your local credit union or community bank. Because they’re nonprofit and member-owned , credit unions generally offer higher interest rates than banks, so be sure to give them a look. Ask about mobile banking Having a brick-and-mortar location close by is convenient, but in this day and age, most people expect to be able to handle the bulk of their financial transactions through their phone. You should be able to manage your savings account from anywhere, so be sure to ask about online and mobile banking services when kicking the tires on different financial institutions. If you’re interested in opening a savings account, get in touch with us ! Next Item Previous Item
- Is a Certificate of Deposit (CD) right for you?
With interest rates high, now is a great time to consider adding a CD to your financial portfolio. Is a Certificate of Deposit (CD) right for you? With interest rates high, now is a great time to consider adding a CD to your financial portfolio. You shouldn’t expect to become fabulously wealthy by opening a Certificate of Deposit (CD). But if you’re looking for a safe place to earn a guaranteed return on your savings, right now is a great time to consider adding a CD to your financial portfolio. With interest rates rising, many CDs are paying the highest rates consumers have seen in more than 20 years. How is a CD different from an ordinary savings account? In simple terms, a Certificate of Deposit is a type of savings account—one that pays higher interest on your balance in exchange for your promise not to withdraw any funds for a set period of time, which at Vibrant can range from 3 months to 5 years. Further, so long as your deposit balance doesn’t exceed NCUA insurance limits ($250,000 in total deposits per account holder at a single credit union), those returns are guaranteed so long as you don’t need to withdraw your cash early—and it never hurts to have an extra level of assurance considering recent volatility in the banking sector . Talk to us if you’re interested in depositing more than $250,000 for cost-free strategies for maximizing your deposit insurance coverage. The kinds of people who should consider investing in a CD If your current financial goals fall into any of the following categories, a CD might be the right solution for you. You’re saving for a short-term goal If you’ve been setting aside money for a down payment on a home, a new car or boat, a dream vacation, or a wedding, then putting your savings in a CD is a good way to grow your nest egg faster without committing to a long-term investment. You want to jump-start your retirement savings Even if retirement is a long way off, you can invest in an IRA CD at any age—and, right now, potentially earn a better rate of return than you would through your 401(k). With an IRA CD, your investment itself is tax-deductible (similar to the way that 401(k) contributions are made with pre-tax dollars). And, unlike a conventional CD, an IRA CD enables you to put off paying taxes on the interest income you earn until it’s time to make a withdrawal from your retirement plan. You can even roll over your IRA into a different retirement savings plan without tax penalties once your 401(k) starts earning more. You want to protect your cash against inflation When inflation is high, the value of your savings decreases. Putting your savings into a CD can help protect your money by locking in a fixed interest rate until the economy improves. You want a safe and secure place to park your savings CDs are a low-risk way to grow your money. The interest rate is fixed, so you know exactly how much money you will earn. Further, Vibrant CDs are insured by the NCUA, which means your money is protected up to $250,000 per account holder (and you can talk with a banker about strategies to maximize your NCUA coverage if you want to invest more). You want a great rate but don’t have a lot of money to invest While many financial institutions require a minimum deposit amount in the four figures to get their best CD rates, all of Vibrant’s CDs are available with a minimum $5 deposit. The bottom line Before you put your savings in a CD, think carefully about when you will need to access the money you’re setting aside. All financial institutions charge some kind of early withdrawal penalty if you need to close a CD before it reaches maturity—up to and including giving up all the interest you’ve earned to date. Once you decide how long you can afford to set aside your savings, compare your options to find the term and interest rate that work best for you. See Vibrant’s current CD rates, then reach out to one of our personal bankers for help opening an account or open an account online . Disclosures Before you open a Certificate of Deposit, be aware that there may be penalties imposed if you withdraw your money before the end of the term. Unless you specify otherwise, Vibrant's certificates will automatically renew at the end of the term—the 13-month CD automatically renews into a 12-month CD at maturity. Vibrant will contact you before your CD reaches maturity to help you choose not to renew or if you'd prefer to renew for a different term. All Vibrant CDs are federally insured by NCUA. Next Item Previous Item
- How to Prevent Fraud | Vibrant Credit Union
Get expert tips on protecting your accounts. Be on the lookout for communications that are unsolicited, unexpected, and/or urgent. It could be a scam. How to detect potential scams Want to make sure your Vibrant accounts stay safe? We've put together some helpful tips for helping you recognize fraud attempts before it's too late. If a person, business, or organization you don't have an existing relationship with asks you for money or personal information, be on guard. Make sure they are who they say they are. Unsolicited If you’re contacted out of the blue by an organization you DO have a relationship with, don’t respond directly. Instead, contact the organization via their publicly available phone number or email address so you can verify it's a legit request. Unexpected Scammers know the more time you have to think, the more questions you’ll ask. Even in a genuine emergency, no one will ask you to disclose personal or financial information before you do anything else. Urgent Your Caller ID may tell you Vibrant is calling, but it could be a scammer. If a caller asks you to provide any of the information below, this could be an attempt to access your personal account. Say nothing and hang up! Anything more than the last 4 digits of your debit or credit card Any security or verification code you receive via text or email Your account or routing number Your complete Social Security Number Your account password Your PIN Watch out for spoof calls and text messages Frequently asked questions Does Vibrant ever verify my identity by texting or emailing me a code? If you’ve set up two-factor authentication (2FA) on your account—and we highly recommend it—you will receive a code via text or email when you try to log in to verify it’s really you. While you'll need to enter that code on your browser or mobile app to complete your login, Vibrant will never ask you to tell us what the code is. Can a scammer access my account even if I don’t tell them my password? Unfortunately, yes. Scammers may find your login information through a data breach, on the dark web, or through other phishing tactics. Two-factor authentication (2FA) offers additional protection, but it's not foolproof. A common scam is to try bypass 2FA by pretending to be a legitimate caller who wants to verify your identity by sending you a security code, which they'll ask you to read back to them. If you tell them the code, unfortunately, they can use it to log in from their device. How do I set up two-factor authentication (2FA) on my account? Log in to your account and go to Settings, then choose the Security tab. Toggle the on/off switch next to Two-Factor Authentication to ON to require a second security code via email, text, or voice call (you'll have the option to choose the method that works best for you any time you log in). What if a caller tells me I owe money and they need immediate payment? Legitimate organizations, including the IRS, your local tax assessor, or your financial institution, will never ask you to provide payment via a gift card, prepaid debit card, or wire transfer. If you get a a call demanding immediate payment and they want you to use one of these payment methods, it's a scam. In addition, a legitimate caller will never threaten to alert law enforcement, immigration officials, or other authorities to collect a debt. What should I do if I think I may have been scammed? Contact us immediately to report the incident. We’ll place a fraud alert on your account and help you reset your login information. (And no, we won't ask you to tell us your new password.) FAQ
- Set up two-factor authentication (2FA) | Vibrant Credit Union
Add extra protection to your online bank account by enabling two-factor authentication (2FA). Here's how to do it. How to enable second-factor authentication (2FA) When you use 2FA, you’ll automatically receive a verification code via text or email when you try to log in to your Vibrant account. Before you can access your information, you’ll have to enter that code into your smartphone or browser. 2FA verification codes are set to expire within 10 minutes, and they change every time you request one by logging in. Log in from your browser or use the Vibrant mobile app (available for Apple or Android ). Step 1: Log in to your Vibrant account. For mobile app users Select MORE from the options listed across the bottom of the screen. Select FULL SITE. Select TOOLS. Select SETTINGS. Select SECURITY. Go to the section labeled TWO-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION. Toggle the switch to the right from OFF to ON. Step 2: Access your security settings. 7. Choose the channels through which you prefer to receive your verification code (text, email, voice call). Congrats! You’re protected. For browser users Select TOOLS. Select SETTINGS. Select SECURITY. Go to the section labeled TWO-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION. Toggle the switch to the right from OFF to ON. Choose where you want Vibrant to send your verification code (text, email, voice call). Congrats! You’re also protected. For even more protection You know that little "Remember Me" button when you log into your online account? If you check this box, then the device or browser you're using will no longer require an extra verification code to log in. Now that you're making your account more secure, it's a good time to take a look at the devices you've previously approved. Help! I can’t set up 2FA. Contact us during regular business hours, and a member of our team will walk you through the process. Your agent asked for my verification code. Should I tell them what it is? NO! A real Vibrant employee will never ask for your verification code. You’re talking to a scammer—and if you give them your verification code, they can take over your account. Can a scammer access my account even if I don’t tell them my password? Unfortunately, yes. Scammers may find your login information through a data breach, on the dark web, or through other phishing tactics. Two-factor authentication (2FA) offers additional protection, but it's not foolproof. A common scam is to try bypass 2FA by pretending to be a legitimate caller who wants to verify your identity by sending you a security code, which they'll ask you to read back to them. If you tell them the code, unfortunately, they can use it to log in from their device. How do I set up two-factor authentication (2FA) on my account? Log in to your account and go to Settings, then choose the Security tab. Toggle the on/off switch next to Two-Factor Authentication to ON to require a second security code via email, text, or voice call (you'll have the option to choose the method that works best for you any time you log in). What if a caller tells me I owe money and they need immediate payment? Legitimate organizations, including the IRS, your local tax assessor, or your financial institution, will never ask you to provide payment via a gift card, prepaid debit card, or wire transfer. If you get a a call demanding immediate payment and they want you to use one of these payment methods, it's a scam. In addition, a legitimate caller will never threaten to alert law enforcement, immigration officials, or other authorities to collect a debt. What should I do if I think I may have been scammed? Contact us immediately to report the incident. We’ll place a fraud alert on your account and help you reset your login information. (And no, we won't ask you to tell us your new password.) What information will Vibrant never ask me for? If you call our Member Contact Center, we’ll ask you to verify your identity by asking you a series of questions. The answers will NEVER include: Anything more than the last 4 digits of your debit or credit card Any security or verification code you receive via text or email Your account or routing number Your complete Social Security Number Your account password Your PIN Frequently asked questions
- Why Vibrant turned its Bettendorf branch into a coffeehouse
In late 2023, following the kind of light remodeling it takes to transform a credit union into a full-service restaurant, Vibrant will reopen its Bettendorf branch as the newest location of Vibrant Coffeehouse and Kitchen. Why Vibrant turned its Bettendorf branch into a coffeehouse In late 2023, following the kind of light remodeling it takes to transform a credit union into a full-service restaurant, Vibrant will reopen its Bettendorf branch as the newest location of Vibrant Coffeehouse and Kitchen. In late 2023, following the kind of light remodeling it takes to transform a credit union into a full-service restaurant, Vibrant will reopen its Bettendorf branch as the newest location of Vibrant Coffeehouse and Kitchen . Naturally, people have a lot of questions. Here are a few answers. How does a credit union decide to start a coffeehouse? People used to choose where to bank based largely on which financial institutions had the closest branches—because every time you needed to make a deposit or get cash, you had to visit in person. Now that nearly 80% of Americans prefer to bank online, there’s a lot less need for multiple branch locations in every city. So a few years ago, we started looking at other ways we could maintain a presence in the community that went beyond traditional banking. How will the Bettendorf Coffeehouse compare to the Moline location? The menu will be the same, and the look and feel are similar—but the vibe is a little different. While our Moline location is in a mostly commercial area, the Bettendorf Coffeehouse will have more of a neighborhood feel—with a large patio and plenty of space for after-school hangouts and family gatherings. Can I bank there? One of the highlights of the new space will be a new interactive teller machine (ITM) that can handle all your banking transactions and connect you to a live representative when you need assistance. What will happen to the people who work at the Bettendorf branch? Don’t worry, we’re not going to make them learn how to brew coffee (unless they really want to!). Our branch employees will be moving into similar roles either at Vibrant HQ or at one of our other branches. Next Item Previous Item
- Open A Business Account | Vibrant Credit Union
To open a business checking or business savings account, complete this form, and one of our business bankers will be in touch with you shortly. Open a business account
- Insurance | Vibrant Credit Union
In 10 minutes, you can get a free no-obligation quote on property or life insurance from dozens of carriers. Contact our friends at Vibrant Insurance. Imagine saving $600 a year We work with the nation's top insurers to find members the right coverage at the best price—saving them an average of $600 in annual premiums. Get a no-obligation quote Why shop for insurance with Vibrant? We’ll help you find the right coverage at the right price because we compare policies from multiple leading insurers You’ll get fast, personal service from a dedicated team of agents—our priority is always your satisfaction, not the bottom line Members save an average of $600 a year on premiums Imagine saving $600 a year We work with the nation's top insurers to find members the right coverage at the best price—saving them an average of $600 in annual premiums. Get a no-obligation quote Find out if we can save you money FAQ How do I add or change a vehicle? Get the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) of your new vehicle and contact us at 309-623-4196 . We’ll take care of everything else. How do I request a new insurance ID card? If you’ve set up an online account with your specific carrier, you should be able to download and print a copy from their website. Otherwise, contact us at 309-623-4196 or email vibrant_service@vibrantinsurance.com . Home Whether you rent or own, protect yourself and your belongings against theft, fire, weather damage, and other hazards. Talk to us if you're: Moving to a new home Concerned you don't have adequate protection Want to find out if you can save money Get a quote Vehicle Save money based on your driving record, your annual mileage, or by bundling your coverage. Talk to us if you're: Trading in a vehicle Worried your rates will rise after an accident Adding a young driver to your coverage Get a quote Life You know you need it. We've made it easy to find the right coverage at every stage of life. Talk to us if you're: Getting married or expanding your family Looking for more affordable coverage Not sure how much life insurance you need Get a quote Accidental Death & Dismemberment All Vibrant members are eligible for $1,000 of no-cost AD&D coverage when they open an account with us. You can also purchase up to $300,000 in additional coverage with no doctor visits, health questions, or lab tests. Learn more
- CDs | Vibrant Credit Union
Get some of the best CD rates available in 2025. See our current CD specials and other CD terms. Open an account online in minutes. Stay ahead of falling rates Lock in a great rate while you can. Open a CD with a minimum deposit of just $5. Open a CD Lock in a great rate until at least 2025. Open a CD with a minimum deposit of just $5. Lock in a great rate until at least 2025. Open a CD with a minimum deposit of just $5. Lock in a great rate until at least 2025. Open a CD with a minimum deposit of just $5. Lock in a great rate until at least 2025. Open a CD with a minimum deposit of just $5. Lock in a great rate until at least 2025. Open a CD with a minimum deposit of just $5. Open a CD Open a CD Open a CD Stay ahead of falling rates Stay ahead of falling rates Lock in a great rate until at least 2025. Open a CD with a minimum deposit of just $5. Stay ahead of falling rates $5 minimum deposit You don't need a four-figure deposit to get our best rates. Lock in a great rate With interest rates falling, a CD can help you maximize your returns for longer. No-risk growth As long as you don't withdraw funds before the end of your CD term, your earnings are guaranteed— no matter what the market does. 6-month CD Current rate up to 4.75% APY* Our 6-month CD starts with a base rate of 4.50% APY *—but you can earn a rate increase of 0.10% APY* with your Preferred Savings account OR 0.25% APY* with your Elite Savings account. 13-month CD Current rate 4.60% APY* Maximize your interest earnings through 2025 and beyond. Your balance is insured up to NCUA limits—and we can help you structure your deposit insurance for higher balances. 23-month CD Current rate 4.00% APY* If you're expecting interest rates to start dropping in the near term, this CD is a great way to lock in earnings for the next two years. Which CD is right for you? Open a CD CD rates Term APY* 6-Month CD Special (2) 4.50% 8 Month++ 0.01% 9-Month*** 0.01% 12 Month 0.01% 13 Month*** 4.60% 15 Month*** 0.01% 18 Month 0.01% 23 Month (1) 4.00% 24 Month 0.01% 30 Month 0.50% 36 Month 0.01% 40 Month Bump Up Special(+) 1.90% 48 Month 0.01% 5-Year Add-On Certificate** 0.01% *APY = "Annual Percentage Yield." APYs accurate as of January 30, 2025. **During the term of the Add-On certificate , you may make deposits of $5 or more at any time. ***9- , 13-, and 15-month certificates will automatically renew into a 12-month term at maturity. +For the 40-Month Bump Certificate Special , members may request that Vibrant raise their rate to the current Vibrant Credit Union published rate on the 40-month certificate. Members will then earn the higher rate for the remainder of the term. Members may only exercise this feature one time during the term. Promotional rates made available in special offers are excluded. When the certificate matures it will auto renew into a 36-month certificate. ++8-month certificate will automatically renew into a 6-month term at maturity. 1. 23-month CD will automatically renew into a 24-month term at maturity. 2. The 6-Month Certificate Special has a base APY of 4.50%, with a 0.10% APY increase if the member has a Preferred Savings account with a balance of at least $10,000 or a 0.25% APY increase if the member has an Elite Savings account with a balance of at least $100,000. Members can only qualify for one rate increase option. The 6-Month Certificate Special can only be opened with new money that has not been on deposit at Vibrant Credit Union for more than seven (7) days. If funds are moved from Vibrant Credit Union to another financial institution, funds cannot be redeposited as New Money for at least 60 days. Maximum deposit per 6-Month Certificate is $250,000. Limit of two (2) 6-Month Certificates per member. The 6-Month Certificate will auto-renew into a 6-month certificate at the current rate on the maturity date. $5 minimum to open account. Penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal. Federally insured by NCUA. Frequently asked questions Who is eligible to open a CD with Vibrant? You can open a Vibrant account from anywhere in the United States. You are eligible to join Vibrant Credit Union if you: Are a member of one of the associations we partner with. Are a current or retired employee of one of the many businesses, professions, and/organizations we partner with within the U.S. Are a domestic partner or immediate family member of a current Vibrant Credit Union member. Live or work in one of the neighborhoods, communities, or rural districts defined in our geographical area. Become a member of the Illinois Consumer Council, a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to consumer advocacy, financial education, and championing the rights of all consumers. We’ll even enroll you and cover any costs associated with your ILCC membership. This is not a complete or exhaustive list of membership eligibility criteria. Please contact us at 1-800-323-5109 to discuss your eligibility for membership at Vibrant Credit Union. How old do I have to be to open an account? You'll need to be at least 18 years old to open an account online. If you're younger than 18, you can open an account as long as at least one of your parents or legal guardians opens the account with you. Schedule an appointment to talk with a banker or call 1-800-323-5109 for more information. Is there a penalty for early withdrawal? You could potentially lose all the interest you've earned if you withdraw funds from your CD before the end of the term. Talk with us about your options. What happens when my CD reaches the end of its term? If you choose not to withdraw your funds at maturity, your Vibrant CD will automatically renew into another CD term. While most CDs will renew as a CD with the same term, there are exceptions. 13- and 15-month certificates automatically renew as 12-month CDs at maturity. The 40-Month Bump-Up CD renews as a 36-month certificate. The 23-month CD will renew as a 24-month term CD at maturity. What's the difference between a CD and a high-yield savings account like Preferred Savings? Depending on the CD term you choose, you may be able to secure a higher annual percentage yield on a CD than on a savings account. If you feel certain you won’t need to use your savings before the CD matures, it can therefore earn more interest than you’d earn with a savings account. In addition, our high-yield savings accounts are tiered accounts—which means that your annual percentage yield changes based on the size of your balance. If you have more than $15,000 but less than $1 million in savings, you may be able to get a significantly higher rate by putting your cash in a CD. Of course, with a high-yield savings account, you can withdraw funds at any time without risk of penalties. Ultimately, which product is best for you will depend on how much money you have in savings and when you plan to use it.